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设备管理:备件管理不容忽视 发布时间:2016-08-31         浏览:



How spare parts are managed is an essential element in reliability and maintenance management of physical assets. It makes sense, then, for an organization’s asset-management system to address all requirements for spare-parts-management processes throughout the entire risk-posing supply chain. Here are key references to ISO-55001 clauses with my suggested questions regarding these processes. 



Planning (Clause 6)

6.1 解决资产管理系统风险与时机的措施


6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities for the asset management system


  • 因备件/备件管理流程故障,组织的风险目标应在何处?


  • 应采取什么措施防止备件故障带来的不良影响? 


  • Where are the organization’s objectives at risk due to failures of spare parts and/or spare-parts-management processes? 


  • What practices should be put in place to prevent undesired effects from failures of spare parts?


6.2 资产管理目标与实施计划


6.2 Asset-management objectives and planning to achieve them


  • 如何实现构建相关组织职能与标准的资产管理目标(包括备件管理)? 


  • 资产管理目标战略应如何解决备件供应链问题? 


  • How should asset-management objectives within relevant organizational functions and levels be structured to include spare-parts management? 


  • How should the strategic-asset-management plan address the spare-parts supply chain?



Support (Clause 7)


7.1 资源


7.1 Resources


  • 管理备件供应链可能需要组织合作,那组织应在哪部分工作参与进来?


  • 要维护备件管理流程的可靠性,需要什么资源?


  • Organizational collaboration may be required to manage the spare-parts supply chain. What parts of the organization should be involved?”


  • What resources would be required to maintain reliable spare-parts-management processes?


7.2 能力


7.2 Competence


  • 需要什么技能与知识来确保备件管理流程能持续实现资产管理目标? 


  • What skills and knowledge are required to assure the spare-parts-management processes continue to achieve the asset-management objectives?


7.3 意识 


7.3 Awareness 


  • 如何能确保参与者了解公司政策,目标与计划?


  • What ensures that those involved are aware of the company policy, objectives, and plan?


7.4 沟通 


7.4 Communication 


  • 需要什么沟通机制来确保有效的管理流程? 


  • What communication mechanisms are needed to assure effective management processes?



Operation (Clause 8)


8.1 运行策划与控制


8.1 Operational planning and control


  • 应实施怎样的措施来确保备件管理流程按原计划进行?


  • What practices should be established to ensure that spare-parts-management processes are being carried out as planned?


8.2 变更管理


8.2 Management of change


  • 需要什么流程来确保任何备件管理流程的变更不会产生任何意想不到的结果?


  • What processes are needed to ensure that any changes to the spare-parts-management processes don’t have any unintended consequences?


8.3 外包


8.3 Outsourcing


  • 如何管理组织外的备件供应链来确保实现目标与计划?


  • How should the spare-parts supply chain outside the organization be managed to ensure that the objectives and plans are achieved? 



Performance evaluation (Clause 9)


9.1 监测,估量,分析与评估


9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation


  • 应对哪部分备件管理流程进行监测,估量,分析以及评估?


  • What elements of the spare-parts-management processes should be monitored, measured, analyzed, and evaluated?


9.2 内部审核


9.2 Internal audit


  • 应如何内审来评估备件管理流程的有效性与合规性?


  • How should an internal audit be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and compliance of the spare-parts-management process?


9.3 管理评审


9.3 Management review


  • 高层管理人员应定期审查哪部分备件管理流程?


  • What elements of the spare-parts-management process should be periodically reviewed by top management?



Improvement (Clause 10)



  • 应采取哪些纠正措施来解决不合规定的备件管理流程? 


  • 应建立哪些流程来防止或者识别备件管理流程的潜质故障? 


  • 应建立什哪些持续改善流程来提高备件管理的效率与有效性? 


  • What corrective actions should be established to address non-conformity with the spare-parts-management processes?


  • What processes should be in place to prevent failures or identify potential failures of the spare-parts-management processes?


  • What continuous-improvement processes should be established to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the spare-parts-management processes?